

1 kilo ox tripe/innards
1/2 cup diluted ox bile
1 head whole garlic
1 thumb-size ginger, crushed
2 thumb-size ginger, cut into strips
1 head garlic, chopped
2 medium size onion, chopped
1 bundle spring onion, chopped
1 small packet, sampalok sinigang mix
2-3 siling labuyo, chopped
1/2 cup patis
salt and pepper

Cooking procedure:

1. Wash and clean thoroughly the ox innards. Cut into small slices. Set aside liver.
2. In a sauce pan put all innards, whole garlic and crushed ginger cover with water and boil for 13-17 minutes. Drain. Remove the liquid.
3. Rinse and add fresh water and boil for 1-2 hours or until innards are tender. Remove from pan separate broth and keep aside.
4. In same sauce pan sauté onion, garlic and ginger. Add innards including liver stir for 3-5 minutes.
5. Add patis and cook for another 3-5 minutes.
6. Pour in broth and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
7. Add siling labuyo, sinigang mix and goat bile (half quantity at time and taste sourness and bitterness add more if required).
8. Simmer for another 3-5 minutes.
9. Finally, season with salt and pepper, garnish with spring onion. Serve while still hot.This is best eaten when hot.